10 Beginner's Mistakes In Setting Up Google Adwords And Yandex Direct

10 Beginner's Mistakes In Setting Up Google Adwords And Yandex Direct
10 Beginner's Mistakes In Setting Up Google Adwords And Yandex Direct

Anyone who begins to get acquainted with the immense marketing on the Internet, it is useful to know the popular mistakes beginners make when setting up advertising in Yandex Direct and Google Adwords. It is noteworthy that even people who have been working in Internet marketing for a long time also make some of the mistakes listed below.

Incorrect keywords

When creating a list of keywords, it is necessary to use only their exact wording. This is important in order not to “waste money”. Most high-volume requests have off-target traffic. For example, these are queries "charger", "smartphone" or the like for the query "buy a phone".


If you use high-frequency requests, then requests from other advertisers will be shown simultaneously with them.

Weak minus words list

Any requests can be interpreted in different ways, because each person has his own point of view and opinion in any situation. Therefore, you should not ignore the elaboration of the list of "minus words".

For example, if a person enters a search engine like "French buns", they may land on adult sites.


Geo Setting

Even with the correct advertising settings, there is a possibility that orders for goods will come from anywhere in Russia. And that's not bad, but what if the company works with only one city? If there is such a problem, then the geo setting was not taken into account in advertising campaigns, and ads are displayed regardless of where the person is.

Time targeting

Let's say a company delivers business lunches. Does it make sense to order a business lunch at 4 in the morning or in the late afternoon? Do not flatter yourself and think that customers are looking for your products 24/7. Requests and target audiences have their own clear time to serve ads when the search is active.

If requests do not go further without the help of an employee (manager), you should set time targeting according to his working hours.

Multiple requests for one ad

Targeting is the backbone of an advertising campaign, so you need to run everything through a series of tests. And there are two reasons why you shouldn't create multiple queries in one declaration:

  1. The rate will be much less, because search engines look primarily at relevance;
  2. One of the requests may stop working, and it will be possible to find out which request it is only through trial and error.

One price per topic and search

Another mistake. It is necessary to separate these directions. There are major differences among users in these categories. Those who come under the topic search are those who came just to look and study. And those who make accurate inquiries are users who want to purchase a product. So you can pay less for the topic.

Relevant phrases

If, when working on ad settings, you do not spend a little time processing relevant queries, then you can sag on the relevance parameters of the entire advertising company. For example, if you use a query like "buy a phone", then it can show ads for other queries that are similar in meaning ("buy a phone case", "buy a case", etc.).

Incorrect frequency setting

If the state of emergency is incorrectly set up, the advertised ad can bother a person. Ultimately, he will stop clicking on the ad and blocking it, because he is tired of the ad. Adequate frequency - up to 5 impressions for each user.

Remarketing and ignoring it

Everyone has encountered this: he made one request, and now advertising for this request begins to pursue on every site. This is an important point to use as remarketing pays off.

In search of certain products, people look and compare dozens of sites. And it often happens that users are simply not able to find / remember the site on which they decided to stop. In such cases, a pop-up ad like this will be helpful.


Bad site

Endless theme. Context, being a powerful advertising tool, doesn't actually sell anything. He only helps a potential buyer to come to the site and place an order. And a good site should have its own structure with required components. These include:

  1. Product benefits;
  2. Encouraging the user to take action;
  3. Selling text;
  4. Full compliance with requests;
  5. Feedback from buyers.


These are the TOP-10 mistakes in ad settings that are made by both beginners and professionals. It is necessary to study the settings of advertising companies and work on each ad, and then the advertising will bring the desired result.
