How To Create A Vkontakte Note

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How To Create A Vkontakte Note
How To Create A Vkontakte Note

Video: How To Create A Vkontakte Note

Video: How To Create A Vkontakte Note
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Progress does not stand still, and modern means of communication are undergoing changes almost daily. The social network VKontakte has tens of thousands of visitors a day, but not everyone has time to react to innovations, for example, the postponement of the process of creating notes.

How to create a Vkontakte note
How to create a Vkontakte note

It is necessary

  • - computer with Internet access;
  • - VKontakte account.


Step 1

Go to the VKontakte social network at by entering your username and password on the main page. If you don't have an account, then create one. To do this, you need to go through a simple registration procedure, which has become open again and does not require an invitation.

Step 2

Click on the inscription "My Page", which is located at the very top in the column of functions on the left of the page. You will see a personal profile and a "Wall", at the top of which the number of entries on it is indicated. Left-click on this number.

Step 3

On the page that opens, you will see all your notes made on the wall, including notes that were previously created from a independently rendered menu item. You can view all together, or All Entries, Entries, or Notes individually.

Step 4

To create a note, you need to make an entry in the column at the top of the page, which contains the words "What's new?" This is the same column in which you enter news and announcements for your friends when posting to the wall.

Step 5

Fill in the required text in this field. The moment the text goes beyond the allotted number of characters for writing on the wall, it is automatically transformed into a note. You can check the box next to the “Friends only” label so that only people added to the friend list can see your note. You also have the ability to attach photos, videos, music, documents, polls and much more to your notes.
