How To Permanently Delete A Page In Odnoklassniki Without Restoring

How To Permanently Delete A Page In Odnoklassniki Without Restoring
How To Permanently Delete A Page In Odnoklassniki Without Restoring

It will not be difficult to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki, but before doing this, you need to think carefully. Your personal data, photos, contacts, correspondence and other information will permanently disappear.

How to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki without restoring
How to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki without restoring

How to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a computer

To create an account again, you will have to re-edit your profile, add photos, friends, and so on. If you nevertheless decide to completely delete your Odnoklassniki account, you need to do a few simple combinations from a regular computer.

1. Open your account and go to any page: "Guests", "Photos", "Friends", "More". Scroll the mouse wheel to the bottom of the page, bypassing the main interface. In the right column you will see the section "Regulations", click on it.

The Regulation is an electronic document of the legal relationship between the user and the administration of the social network.

2. Scroll the document to the end, you can read it if you want. At the bottom there will be a link "Refuse services", click on it.

3. Next, there will be a warning from the support service that you will lose contact with your friends until you register again or restore your profile. You must indicate the reason for deleting the page, you can choose any.

4. Next, enter your account password and confirm the deletion. An entry will appear: "The profile was deleted at the request of the user and cannot be restored."

5. If you suddenly change your mind and decide to restore your account, then it will be possible to do this within three months. If after this time you have not restored your page, it will automatically disappear forever.

How to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki from your phone

It is a little more difficult to delete your page in Odnoklassniki from the phone, since we go to the site from the mobile version, and this function is not installed in it.

1. You need to log into your account from your phone and go to the full version of the site in the menu on the left.

2. Next, you delete your profile as from a computer.

The situation is completely different when you access the network through the Odnoklassniki mobile application. You must first uninstall the app.

but. In Task Manager, click on the Loaded tab.

b. Find the Odnoklassniki app and click on the Stop tab. Then "Clear cache", "Erase data" and "Delete".

in. Go to your page in the usual way, hold the application icon until it "moves".

d. Click on the cross and confirm the deletion.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki if you forgot your password or login

Do not despair if you forgot your username or password in Odnoklassniki, but firmly decided to delete an unnecessary account. First, you need to restore your username / password to go to your profile page. You must have at least one information that the system will require to access your account: phone number, email address, login.

1. Go to the main page, enter the information you remember. Enter the captcha and click the "Restore access" tab. You will receive a CODE by e-mail or mobile. Enter it and get access to your account.

2. If a phone number and e-mail were not linked to the page, then you will have to contact technical support by clicking on the appropriate tab: "If you have forgotten your profile data, please contact us."

3. After following the instructions suggested by the support service, your access will be restored.

4. Log into your account and do everything in the standard way to delete the profile forever.

There is nothing difficult to delete your page on Odnoklassniki from your phone or computer. If you have thought everything over and decided to take this step, then you can safely proceed to deleting your account. Although statistics show that the majority of users who for some reason deleted their profile, after a while returned to the social network.
