How To Delete A Vkontakte Page Permanently

How To Delete A Vkontakte Page Permanently
How To Delete A Vkontakte Page Permanently

Vkontakte is a popular social network with an audience of about 250 million users. Despite the popularity of this network, some users have a desire to delete their account. This can be done without any problems, according to clause 4.14 of the Vkontakte rules.

How to delete a page
How to delete a page

Unusual methods of "disappearing" from "Vkontakte"

On various sites where advice and recommendations on a variety of topics and issues are provided, as well as on forums where knowledgeable users share their own experiences, there are many tips on how to delete a Vkontakte page. This was due to the fact that this function in this social initially simply did not exist. So users came up with more and more new methods, which were then voiced with pleasure from the pages of social networks and in the comments on various sites. So, one could often come across the following tips. For example, some Vkontakte users suggested starting a furious attack on the site members with spam, who were advised to bombard well-known and completely strangers. As the “experts” explained, this method worked like this: an offended visitor to Vkontakte would complain of spam, and over time, the site administration would block the bully. For the same purpose, the "clever men" are advised to spread obscene language, obscene photos and other "rubbish" on the Internet.

Other users suggest the following option. Delete all personal data from the page, including correspondence with friends, photos, music, all records from the wall, video files, and do not visit the page for one to two months. It is believed that the unclaimed page will later be completely removed from the site by the administration.

The third group of "experts" recommends deleting the personal page of "Vkontakte" in the following way. For him, you need to change the email address to which the account is linked to a newly registered mailbox, then remove all information from the page and in the "Privacy" section that in the "Settings" menu, mark "Only me" in all items.

The fourth option, which was suggested to be used to delete the page, is to contact support and indicate your request.

Legal way to delete a page

However, all of the above methods can be relegated to the background. After all, "Vkontakte" has a legal way to delete a page. To use it, you just need to find the "My Settings" section to the left of your personal photo. Open it and at the very end of the window that opens, click the link "You can delete your page." Click on it, and in a new window from the list provided, select one of the items and indicate the reason why you are going to leave the site "Vkontakte". After that, all that remains is to confirm your decision and click the "Delete" button. Here you can also select the "Tell Friends" option to notify your friends and subscribers about your "disappearance" from the site.
