How To Remove A Vpn Connection

How To Remove A Vpn Connection
How To Remove A Vpn Connection

Table of contents:


The VPN connection is removed like any other Internet connection from your computer. Please note that depending on the operating system you are using, the steps may vary.

How to remove a vpn connection
How to remove a vpn connection

It is necessary

access to the computer


Step 1

Make sure the VPN connection you are deleting is not active at the moment. To do this, check the corresponding icon on the Quick Access Toolbar in the lower right corner. If it is active, right-click on it and click Disable. If your computer is running Windows XP, go to the "Start" menu, in the "Connections" section, select "Show all Internet connections", after which you will see a new window in which you will see a list of available for subsequent removal elements.

Step 2

Select the unnecessary VPN connection and press the Delete or Shift + Delete buttons. After you delete the VPN connections, the data for connecting to the Internet will also be deleted, so save it in a text document just in case, you may need it in the future.

Step 3

If you are using Windows Seven operating system, disconnect the VPN connection you want to delete. This is done through the context menu of the Internet connection icon in the quick access panel menu in the lower right corner of the screen. Select the unnecessary connection and click on the button on the right.

Step 4

After that, open the list of Internet connections available for your account. Right-click on the Network icon and navigate to the Network Control Center. Open the "Change adapter settings" menu, where all the connections available on your computer will be located, select the one that you do not need among them, and delete it.

Step 5

If for some reason you are unable to delete the VPN connection on your computer, please note that it is not being used by users of other accounts. This can be checked by double-clicking on it, if it is available to other users, the corresponding item will be ticked. Remove it, restart your computer, remove the connection.
