What Are The Stages Of Website Development

What Are The Stages Of Website Development
What Are The Stages Of Website Development

Let's consider what are the stages of website creation: from idea to implementation. At all stages of development, different teams within the company can work on the site, as well as hired freelancers, but the whole process is controlled and supervised by the project manager.

What are the stages of website development
What are the stages of website development

Stage 1. Collecting project requirements

At this stage, the Customer fills out a brief for the development of his site. Depending on the complexity of the project, the collection of requirements may look like a regular brief in a text document with questions about the details of the project, which are filled in by the Customer. In some cases, when there is great uncertainty and it is impossible to formulate questions in advance, it is recommended to conduct an in-depth interview with the Customer or with representatives of the Customer's team.

As a result of this stage, the project manager should receive the following information:

  1. The purpose of the site, what problems it solves.
  2. Target audience for which the site is designed.
  3. Business requirements: quantitative and qualitative indicators, which we strive for during development. For example: reduce the load on the hotline by three times by posting answers to the most frequent questions on the site; one-click ordering; the ability to order goods from the phone, etc.
  4. Business constraints: development budget, timeline.
  5. Technical restrictions and requirements. For example, integration with other Internet platforms of the Customer.
  6. Laws and regulations in force in the service of the Customer and the development of information. Wednesday. For example, if the site will be used by visually impaired people, then for them the site should be developed according to a special standard.

Stage 2. Writing technical specifications and development of a prototype

The terms of reference should include the development of prototypes of pages with an approximate project concept and content. There are standards for the development of technical specifications, which provide a lot of practical knowledge.

These documents include:

  • GOST 34
  • GOST 19
  • IEEE STD 830-1998
  • ISO / IEC / IEEE 29148-2011
  • RUP
  • SWEBOK, BABOK, etc.

In the terms of reference, you need to describe the system being created, draw up its diagram, consisting of separate modules, show the connections between these modules, describe the operation, functions and interface screens that follow from the system functions and which users will use. You also need to formulate a design concept: color scheme, restrictions, platforms of use.

Based on the terms of reference and the screen forms listed in it, the interface designer makes a prototype of the future site.

Stage 3. Website design

The design is done based on the prototype. As a result of the work, the designer must submit layouts of all the screens described in the terms of reference. If the designer also developed a logo for the site, then he must draw up the requirements for the use of the logo. A "UI file" is also compiled, which shows all the possible states of various elements of the site. For example: how each button looks in its normal state, when you hover over it with the mouse, when you click on it with the mouse.

Stage 3. Layout and programming of the site

According to the development rules, the site is first laid out, and then the site logic is programmed. In parallel with the layout, the development team can prepare the backend of the site, which includes the development of architecture, databases, connections between them, the choice of tools for implementation, the creation of the administrative part of working with the site. After the completion of the layout, the frontend is programmed - this is the part of the site that is visible to users and has a design.

Stage 4. Testing and debugging the site

After the completion of the third stage, the site is hosted on a test domain, where it is tested by the development team, project manager, testers and, ultimately, by the Customer. Testing errors, suggestions for improving user scenarios are collected from everyone who took part in testing. Such proposals are implemented immediately, if this does not fundamentally affect the timing and budget of the project. If, after testing, a part of the tasks is identified that requires going through all the stages of development again, then such tasks are drawn up as a separate list of improvements and are implemented after the launch of the main site, with a new budget, deadlines, etc.

Stage 5. Website launch and performance monitoring

Before starting the site, counters of various metrics are necessarily placed on it to track the necessary site indicators. After the launch, the whole team monitors the correct operation of the site, corrects "on the fly" obvious errors and problems. The project manager monitors the fulfillment of the established business requirements for the site.
