The History Of The Creation And Development Of The Domain.rf

The History Of The Creation And Development Of The Domain.rf
The History Of The Creation And Development Of The Domain.rf

The domain zone. РФ is the youngest in comparison with others on the Internet. The history of its development dates back to 2007. This domain zone is Cyrillic.

The history of the creation and development of the domain.rf
The history of the creation and development of the domain.rf

The beginning of Cyrillic Internet domains

Cyrillic domains began to appear back in 2001. Initially, they were registered in the. COM and. NET domain zones, a little later -. SU. The exception was the. RU domain. It was decided that in the domain zones of different countries, domains will be created in national languages, so the introduction of Cyrillic names in. RU was considered inappropriate.

It is worth noting that the idea of creating a national Cyrillic zone was supported by the then President Dmitry Medvedev. And in 2008, as a result of operational work, the. РФ domain zone appeared.

This domain was officially delegated in May 2010, at the same time the first Cyrillic addresses appeared in the. РФ zone. To date, their number has exceeded 800 thousand.

It is important that domains in Russian are purchased by users to implement global ideas and create large-scale projects. After all, it is very convenient when the name of the resource is given in the native language. Russian-speaking users are now able to quickly find sites in their native language.

. RU or. РФ

The. РФ domain zone is intended for use by both legal entities and individuals. Non-residents of the Russian Federation will also be able to register and buy a domain in the national zone. РФ. It is possible to register a domain in the. РФ zone for 590 rubles. The annual renewal of registration will also cost the same. When purchasing multiple domains at and, it is possible to purchase one domain for about 100 rubles. These are the most popular sites for selling domains.

This domain zone has its own advantages over others. Due to the fact that in the. РФ zone the domain can only be in Russian, you can use a key phrase with the exact entry of the key as a name, which will contribute to the speedy promotion of the resource. Although, it is worth noting that domains in the. РФ zone are less indexed by search engines, especially Google.

The first names registered in the new domain zone were President.rf and Government.rf. 24 registrars are currently working with the. РФ zone. Foreign companies have already duplicated many of their names in the Russian-language domain zone.

Most likely, the. РФ domain zone will develop and prosper in the near future, although it is impossible to say for sure, it depends on many factors, and not only on the state. Experts say that 10 years after the beginning of its existence, the. РФ domain will surpass. RU in popularity.
