6 Low-budget Ways To Promote Your Website

6 Low-budget Ways To Promote Your Website
6 Low-budget Ways To Promote Your Website

The main goal of creating sites, at present, is to attract new customers. However, website promotion can be too expensive, especially in the early stages of development. At the same time, there are low-budget or completely free ways to increase traffic to your resource. The only drawback of the methods proposed in this article is that you will spend more time than contacting a SEO specialist.

6 simple ways to promote your website
6 simple ways to promote your website

Report your site to search engines

The most visited search engines (hereinafter PS) in the Runet are Yandex and Google. Yandex is visited by about 60% of Russian-speaking users, and Google by about 25%.

To add a site to Yandex, use the link https://webmaster.yandex.ru/addurl.xml and follow the simple instructions. If you see information that the site has already been indexed earlier without your intervention, then there is no need to take any action, then everything is OK.

To add your resource to Google, use the link: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools and, similarly to Yandex, follow the instructions. To check whether your site has been indexed by Google's PS earlier, in the search bar on https://google.ru/, enter site: vashsite.ru into the search bar (where vashsite.ru must be replaced with the address of your site).

What if you do not want to engage in these actions yourself? Order site registration in search engines and catalogs. This service will cost from 100 rubles.

Register your site in directories

Some resources dedicated to promoting sites on the Internet allow you to manually register sites in directories, this will allow you to promote your resource for low-frequency and high-frequency search queries. This service is generally offered free of charge.

Tell directories and local resources about your site

For this method, you need to find city portals or directories of organizations in the Yandex or Google PS that you need to check for any information related to your resource. If it is not available, then immediately post this information on these resources.

Place the address of your office / store, phone number and be sure to include a link to the site. For example, 2gis is an excellent reference, which contains information about enterprises, firms, etc. from most cities in Russia. This service is in most cases free of charge.

Place a link to your site on your business cards, price lists, etc

All printing used by your business, as well as outdoor advertising, must contain a link to the site! It will cost you free.

The link to your website should be easy to share on social media. the network

To realize the ability to share a link to your site with visitors, it is enough to consider the methods offered by social networks and the PS Yandex and Google. Additionally, I would like to tell you about a very good service called Pluso, which allows you to embed social media buttons on your resource, with a different design and some settings. This service is free in most cases.

Add information and link to your site in your email signature

Phones, skype, icq, site address are mandatory information that should be sent to your customers in emails. Briefly describe what your company does. Indicate if your resource is an online store. This service is free of charge.