How To Create A Catalog On The Website

How To Create A Catalog On The Website
How To Create A Catalog On The Website

Table of contents:


In the early to mid-first decade of the twenty-first century, directory scripts were very popular. It was fashionable to create site directories. With the help of a directory that requires a backlink, it was quite good to raise the TCI of the main site. Most of the directories were filled with junk links and were of no interest to users. Therefore, search engines have learned how to effectively identify directories and throw them out of the search base (ban). The creation of a directory on the site almost lost its meaning. However, there are a small number of quality moderated directories in the search. Therefore, even now, many novice web-masters are wondering how to create a catalog on the site.

How to create a catalog on the website
How to create a catalog on the website

It is necessary

Modern browser. FTP client program. Data for accessing the site via FTP. The ability to create subdomains in the hosting panel where the site is located


Step 1

Download the archive with the distribution of the catalog. Open the address in the browser Click the download link. Select the path to save the file. Wait for the download process to finish

Step 2

Unpack the archive with the catalog distribution files to a directory on your hard disk. Use the capabilities of the file manager, or a specialized unpacker program.

Step 3

Create a database for the catalog. In the hosting account control panel, go to the MySQL database management section. Choose to create a new database. Enter the name of the base, name and password to access it. Save this data.

Step 4

Prepare the directory distribution for installation. Edit the config.php file. It is located in the inc subdirectory of the unpacked distribution directory. Open the file in a text editor. Enter values between single quotes on the following lines:

$ mysql ['username'] = ''; // mysql username

$ mysql ['password'] = ''; // mysql password

$ mysql ['db'] = ''; // mysql database name

These are the parameters for accessing the database. In the line with the comment "mysql database name" enter the name of the database, in the line with the comment "mysql username" enter the database user name, and in the line with the comment "mysql password" enter the password for accessing the database. This data was obtained in the previous step.

Step 5

Upload all contents of the folder with the distribution kit to the server. Connect to the site server using FTP. Use the capabilities of the file manager, or a special FTP client program. Change to the server directory where you want to install the directory. If the directory has not been created yet, create it first. Download the contents of the distribution to the current directory.

Step 6

Change the permissions for folders on the server. Set the permissions to the templates_c and tmp subdirectories of the current directory to 777.

Step 7

Install the directory. Open in a browser the address corresponding to the address of the index.php file in the install subdirectory of the directory where the distribution kit of the directory was placed. Follow the instructions of the installation wizard. After finishing the installation, delete the entire install folder via the FTP client program.

Step 8

Navigate to the created directory. Open https:///directory.php in your browser to get into the conscious directory. Open the address https:///admin.php in your browser to get to the administrative panel of the directory.
