What To Do After Registering On VKontakte

What To Do After Registering On VKontakte
What To Do After Registering On VKontakte

Vkontakte is a social network visited by tens of millions of people every day. And the number of registered users continues to increase every day. What can you do after you have registered on this site?

What to do after registering on VKontakte
What to do after registering on VKontakte

After successful registration of VKontakte, you will have access to a password and login to enter. When you enter the site using this data, it is possible that at the same moment you will start receiving various spam. Sometimes spammers introduce themselves as site administrators and ask to send an SMS message to the specified number, otherwise your account will be blocked. Ignore such messages! VKontakte registration is still free for everyone. Next, you should upload your photo to your avatar. It is best if you are the person in the photo, although today administrators cannot block accounts with a picture instead of a photo. You must upload your personal photo so that your classmates, classmates, friends, relatives, colleagues can quickly recognize you and add them as friends. After that, the site developers recommend providing more information about yourself. Choose in which educational institutions you studied, where you rested, in which organizations you worked, etc. You can also indicate some personal information, such as marital status, political and religious views. Recently it became possible to talk about your attitude to smoking, alcohol, or what inspires you, what you find most important in life. If you wish, you can leave your contact information (mobile, home phone, skype, e-mail address, link to your personal website). In addition, it is proposed to talk about your interests, activities, give your favorite quotes, a list of your favorite music, films, etc. In a word, you have the opportunity to tell about yourself as much as possible or leave only the minimum information that you personally consider necessary to indicate for everyone to see. Then, using the advanced search of the site, you have a chance to find all the people you are interested in, with whom fate once brought you together. This can be done, first of all, knowing the name and surname of the person, as well as the date of his birth, or by school, university, clubs, cafes and other places. The functionality of the VKontakte site is truly great. You can find and add audio and video recordings to your page, create your own and read other people's notes, join and communicate in groups, on public pages. You can even create your own community. In addition, the site has a great variety of applications - flash games, programs and other interesting entertainment. In a word, after registering on VKontakte, you can begin to devote a lot of your time to this site. For some, a completely new life begins from this moment - full of communication, entertainment and useful activities.
