A cake in Minecraft serves both a decorative and a useful function. It is a block that can be placed on any horizontal surface, and with its help you can replenish six units of satiety.

The cake is not very convenient as food, usually players use the recipe for some interesting reason or just to decorate the home. To create a cake, you need to collect three units of wheat, two units of cane sugar, three buckets of milk and one egg. The scheme for creating a cake is shown in the picture.
To eat a cake, you first need to put it on a flat surface, and then eat one piece at a time.
How do I get milk?
The hardest thing to get is milk. First, you need to find or make buckets. Each bucket is created from three iron ingots located on the workbench as follows - one ingot in the middle of the lower horizontal, the other two in the outermost cells of the middle horizontal. Ingots can be smelted in an iron ore furnace. It is a fairly common ore and can often be found below sea level (i.e. below level 64). This ore must be mined with a stone, iron, gold or diamond pickaxe. A wooden pickaxe will only destroy ore blocks without any benefit.
Second, you need to find cows. They are friendly creatures that can inhabit any area. To get milk from them, you need to hold the bucket in your hand and right-click on the cow. If you find cows near your dwelling, try to bring them to it, beckoning them with wheat, clutched in your hand. It is advisable to make a corral for cows near the house, so you will provide yourself with milk, skin and meat for the necessary time.
Wheat, sugar and eggs
Wheat is a plant that can be obtained by planting the seeds of tall grass, which is abundant in plains, savannahs, forests, or jungles. To grow wheat, you need an artificial or natural reservoir and a hoe. A hoe can be made from sticks and planks on a workbench. Two sticks should be placed in the two lower squares of the central file, two boards - on the upper file in the central and outer squares. You can work the ground with a hoe by right-clicking on it. To make a bed suitable for planting wheat, you need to cultivate a block of land that borders on water. Then you can plant seeds in it. It is advisable to thoroughly illuminate the surrounding area with torches, so the wheat will grow faster.
Eggs can be obtained from chicken habitats. Chickens are the only birds in Minecraft. They are found everywhere. Chickens lay eggs every six to eight minutes, which you can simply pick up from the ground. If possible, it is better to collect more eggs. With their help, you can try to make a chicken farm near your home.
Because of their wide beak, chickens are often mistaken for ducks.
Cane sugar, as the name suggests, is extracted from cane. This tall green plant can be found on the banks of rivers and lakes. Do not destroy the lower block of the plant, over time it will give new shoots.