A module is an integral part of a general, something whole. A module can be added or removed without destroying the main core. A module can be a program, a part of an apparatus. A similar construction is used, for example, in the Linux operating system. The Linux kernel has a modular architecture.

- - PC;
- - Linux operating system.
Step 1
There are special commands and the modprobe program to add or remove modules in the Linux operating system. The Linux kernel itself contains many codes that support one meaning or another.
Step 2
All modules are located in a special directory / lib / modules / $ (uname -r). Add or remove a module from the Linux kernel with the modprobe command. First, enter the user password and log in as an administrator.
Step 3
The standard command line prompt for entering codes looks something like this: [leh @ localhost leh] #. The command to add modules must be entered like this: sudo modprobe vboxdrv. Next, find the required module on your Linux system.
Step 4
All core modules should be loaded automatically. If, after installing any hardware, you still need to add a kernel module, the Kudzu program should start. It will determine if this hardware is supported by the system and configure its module. To find out if a module was added successfully, you need to use the / sbin / lsmod command.