How To Specify A Module

How To Specify A Module
How To Specify A Module

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Joomla is a site content management system in which individual modules are displayed by default only in the page positions prescribed in templates. This is not always convenient - sometimes it becomes necessary to place one or another module directly into the text of the page. This can be done by slightly modifying one of the xml files of the template being used, and then inserting the correct reference to this module in the text.

How to specify a module
How to specify a module


Step 1

The templates folder in the root directory of the site contains directories related to each of the design templates available in the control panel - find among them the one that is currently in use.

Step 2

In this directory, find and open the templateDetails.xml file for editing - you need to add an additional module name to it, which will then be used to display it in the page material. To do this, find the opening and closing xml tags and. Place the new name between them. For example, name the new module NewMod_1 and add the following code on the line above the tag: NewMod_1. Then save the templateDetails.xml file with your changes.

Step 3

In the administration panel, go to the installed extensions section and make sure that the plugin "Content - Load module into material" from the core Joomla set is enabled. If it is not there, download from the manufacturer's website and install.

Step 4

In the admin panel, open the page of the material where you want to place the module, and add the text {loadposition NewMod_1} in the required place. Here loadposition is a reserved word for the content management system, and NewMod_1 is the name that you added to the templateDetails.xml file in the second step. If a different name of the module is used in the xml file, enter it instead of NewMod_1.

Step 5

Go to the module management section and select the name you created in the second step from the list. In the list of settings, turn on the display of the block in pages and set the output position. It is possible that for correct positioning, you will have to place the line of the previous step in a separate layer (between the and tags) and set its own display style for it - this depends on the source code of the template used. The module will appear in the material of the pages after clicking the "Save" button.
