How To Temporarily Block The Internet

How To Temporarily Block The Internet
How To Temporarily Block The Internet

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The natural desire of parents is to ensure the information security of the child, to limit the websites that he can visit. The simplest solution is to block the Internet while parents are away from home.

How to temporarily block the Internet
How to temporarily block the Internet


Step 1

First of all, create a separate account for your children with a minimum of rights. In the "child" account, restrict the ability to remove and install programs, as well as create an additional Internet connection and change the settings of what is at the moment. Remove the connection, if any. If you connect to the network using a dsl connection, set the connection setting on the computer only for the main account. If you use a wi-fi router, set a password for it and prevent it from being saved in the computer's memory, as well as automatic connection. Remember to turn off your computer when you leave home.

Step 2

You can also limit the time of Internet access using special programs, for example, Kaspersky PURE. A feature of this software is that you can set the exact time at which Internet access will be prohibited, as well as the users to whom this restriction will apply. A convenient option is also setting a password - this is guaranteed to protect you from changing settings and connecting to the Internet in your absence.

Step 3

Often, the level of computer literacy of children is often much higher than the level of knowledge of their parents on this topic. There are ways to bypass the administrator password so that the child can connect to the network. However, this method can be easily noticed - with its help, the administrator password is not cracked, but simply removed without the possibility of installing the previous one, which will be easy to notice. An alternative to software blocking methods is to isolate the equipment with which you access the Internet - a modem, router or power cables and computer connections - from your child during your absence.
