How To Remove One Password From A Mailbox

How To Remove One Password From A Mailbox
How To Remove One Password From A Mailbox

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If one of two or more username / password pairs in the mail service is no longer used by you, the browser continues to store it, annoying with the offer to choose from a mixture of the existing with the nonexistent. Unused passwords and logins can be deleted in almost any browser.

How to remove one password from a mailbox
How to remove one password from a mailbox


Step 1

To remove an unnecessary password in Internet Explorer, go to your mail service site and right-click the username field. This will open the list of username / password pairs stored by the browser for this form. Use the navigation buttons (up and down arrows) to select the login whose password you want to delete and press the Delete button.

Step 2

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, after loading the mail service page that hosts the authorization form, click the login field and press the CTRL and down arrow key combination. A list of logins will open, which you can navigate using the navigation keys. Having reached the unnecessary login, press the Delete key and the login together with the password will be deleted.

Step 3

To delete an unnecessary mail password in the Opera browser, you also need to go to the authorization page, but it is not necessary to click the input field here, just press the CTRL and Enter key combination. A separate window will open with a list of logins. Here, unlike previous browsers, you are free to use both the arrows and the mouse to move through the list. After selecting the username you no longer need, click the "Delete" button.

Step 4

In Google Chrome, to remove unnecessary email password, open the menu by clicking on the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the window and select "Options". Then, on your browser settings page, go to the Personal Content tab and click the Manage Saved Passwords button. In the list of sites, find your mail service and login, which should be destroyed. When you move the mouse cursor over this line, a cross appears at its right edge - click it to delete the record.

Step 5

In the Apple Safari browser, to delete one of the mail users along with his password, you need to click the "Edit" section in the menu and select the "Preferences" item. In the settings window, go to the "Autocomplete" tab and click the "Edit" button next to the "User names and passwords" item. Then, in the window with the list of sites, find your mail service, select the line with the username you no longer need and click the "Delete" button.
