The popular American singer, known for her outrageousness, Lady Gaga opened her own social network "Little monsters". Gaga gave the name to the resource in honor of her fans, christening them little monsters. Anyone wishing to join the army of the singer's fans can easily register on the social network.

To sign up for Little monsters, go to You will see a special form with fields in which you will need to enter the following information: your email address, your username and password, as well as your date of birth. In the second step of registration, you will have to share information about yourself: indicate your name, country and city in which you live; describe your interests and hobbies.
The third step of registration is designed to make sure you are not a robot and requires you to enter the characters displayed on the screen. In the last step, you will be able to invite your friends from various social networks. Registration will then be completed and you will be taken directly to the Little Monsters home page. Here you will not need to enter your login and password, since the login will happen automatically.
After completing the registration procedure in the "Little monsters" social network, you get access to the content of the resource, to various news, photos and videos related to the work of Lady Gaga. Immediately after completing the registration procedure, you will see a window with various offers related to getting to know the service. You can watch the introductory videos or skip them by clicking the Next button each time.
After that, you can start communicating with other users of Lady Gaga's resource. You can exchange photos, various videos and many other interesting materials.
Pay attention to the tabs located at the top of your personal page window. On the "Media" tab, you can view various materials related to the work of the singer. The "Discyss" tab allows you to communicate with other members of the resource, discuss topics of interest to you. Opening the "News" tab, you will get acquainted with the latest news from the life of Lady Gaga, by going to "Monsters", you can see the top participants in the project, the "Events" tab contains information about the singer's new songs and albums. In addition, the resource has a chat and a convenient search interface.
To write a private message to any of the "Little monsters" members, go to the "Monsters" tab and click on the profile you need. Select the Message link.