How To Make A Drilling Rig In Minecraft

How To Make A Drilling Rig In Minecraft
How To Make A Drilling Rig In Minecraft

In Minecraft, one of the most important tasks of the gamer can be called the extraction of resources. Without this, neither armor or weapons for defense against monsters can be made, nor food can be obtained, nor even an inferior house can be built. However, sometimes in order to extract something valuable, you have to dig in the bowels for a long time. Is it possible to automate this process?

The drilling rig digs through the subsoil to the bedrock
The drilling rig digs through the subsoil to the bedrock

Drilling Rig Features

The dream of many gamers in terms of some automation of resource extraction came true when a number of modifications of the game saw the light - first of all, Industrial Craft2 and the adjacent BuildCraft. Both add a lot of resources to the gameplay, from which you can craft mechanisms that completely transform the game space. For the extraction of materials from the subsoil, it is worth using a drilling rig.

It cuts through the soil in a way that the gamer himself is not recommended to do (so as not to break), - vertically down to the bedrock. Of course, for the normal functioning of such a machine requires an energy source - any motor, with the exception of a mechanical one. It is also highly desirable to attach a chest or other container to it, otherwise the valuable resources obtained by it will simply scatter around the ground.

The only major obstacle in the way of such a drill is lava. Contact with this fiery liquid causes the device to stop. To prevent this from happening, you need to pour water on top of the installation - then the lava encountered will turn into obsidian, and the mechanism will calmly carry out its tasks further. Another option for solving the problem with liquids is to put a pump next to it, which will pump them out.

Making a Rig with Build Craft Mod

BuildCraft requires the resources that most Minecraft lovers are familiar with - redstone dust, iron ingots and a pickaxe - and a new piece, a gear made of the same material, to create such a ground-boring device.

The recipe for the above ingots is probably known to many gamers. This requires mining the ore of such a metal and placing it in a smelting furnace. As a result, you will get a very popular game material, which is useful for crafting a pickaxe. In order to make it, you need to place three iron ingots in the upper horizontal row of the workbench, and under the central one - two wooden sticks.

The iron gear is made on the basis of the stone. That one needs to be placed in the center, and four iron ingots should be placed around it with a cross. If there is no gear, you should first craft a wooden one - from four sticks, installing them in the machine in the form of a rhombus. Then, from the resulting part, make a stone gear, overlapping a wooden gear in a crafting grid with four cobblestones.

It remains only to assemble the drilling rig. To do this, six iron ingots are placed in the extreme vertical rows of the machine, and a redstone dust unit, an iron gear and a pickaxe are placed in the middle (from top to bottom).

Industrial Craft2 and Drilling Rig

In Industrial Craft2, the design of the drilling rig looks a little simpler, but this is just an illusion, since its operation requires some additional (by the way, most of them are very expensive in terms of crafting) mechanisms and elements. First of all, this is a large number of special drill pipes, as well as a mining or diamond drill and a scanner for the concentration or value of ores (the coverage of each of them is squares of 5x5 and 9x9 blocks, respectively).

The installation itself is crafted from three types of resources - the body of the mechanism, a pair of electrical circuits and the same number of drill pipes. To create the first of the above components, you will need eight iron plates (they are obtained by flattening with a hammer or rolling in a molder for ingots of this metal). Such blocks are located in almost all slots of the workbench, with the exception of the central one.

To craft a drill pipe, you will also need several iron plates, and besides them, a faucet. It is made of five blocks of any kind of boards, laid out on the machine so that its entire middle horizontal row is occupied, the central cell of the top and the leftmost cell is the bottom. The faucet is then placed in the center of the third from the top row of the crafting net, and on either side of it there are three iron plates.

The circuit is made up of six insulated copper wires, two redstone dust units, and an iron plate. The latter is placed in the center of the workbench, red dust on the sides of it, and wires in the rest of the places.

The assembly of the drilling rig is carried out as follows. In the central slot of the upper row of the workbench, you need to install the body of the mechanism, directly under it - two drill pipes, and on the sides of it - electrical circuits.
