SEO optimization is designed to raise the place of a particular site for which it is used in the search engine results. Internal and external mechanisms are used for its implementation.

SEO value
The abbreviation SEO stands for Search Engines Optimization, which means a set of measures to optimize site parameters for search engine queries.
The main task of SEO optimization is to attract visitors to the site for key queries in the search engine. In order for Google, Yandex,, etc. gave out links to your site among the first at the request of users, you must comply with the following basic requirements.
In the text of the page where you want the user to go, there must be a certain number of keywords and phrases, that is, those phrases by which users search for your product or service on the Internet. Missing keywords can lead to potential customers not being able to find your site. At the same time, their too high density is poorly perceived by both readers and search robots.
The text on the page should be "for people", that is, it should be written competently and coherently. Search robots can lower the ranking of sites whose content (text content) is oversaturated with keywords and phrases with broken grammar and syntax. This means that the place in the issuance of results will be lower. This reduces the likelihood that a potential buyer will notice your site and make a purchase.
Links from many Internet resources should lead to your site. This is a criterion for the authority of the site, which also affects the position in the search engine results. To increase the linkage, you need to register your site in various directories and ratings, publish articles with links to the site on non-commercial resources, blogs, forums.
SEO copywriting
The main tool for search engine optimization of a website is its content. Professional copywriters are working on this so that the content of the site meets such goals as:
- providing the target audience with the information they were looking for in an easy-to-read form (volume of text, background and font color, letter size, division into paragraphs and bulleted lists, etc.);
- promotion of an Internet resource for certain queries in search engines (the use of key phrases in the right amount, in the right place in the text and in the right word form);
- ensuring conversion - encouraging readers to take the necessary action (purchase, call, letter, registration).
All these actions refer to the so-called "white" promotion. The mechanisms of "gray" or "black" SEO include: saturating the text with key phrases, creating doorways, filling the site page with key phrases in a very small print to match the background color, etc. This manipulation of search results can lead to search engine sanctions.