What Is A Link Exchange

What Is A Link Exchange
What Is A Link Exchange

The link exchange is an indispensable tool for website promotion, as well as making money on the provision of these services. To do this, it uses a special mechanism of interaction between webmasters and optimizers.

What is a link exchange
What is a link exchange

Link exchange functions

The exchange of links is a system for buying and selling links to sites, which is organized on the principle of commodity exchange. These resources are used by optimizers to promote sites, as well as by page owners to make money on the Internet. Website traffic largely depends on its position in the search results for key queries in search engines. The more links lead to a site from other resources, the higher its position in the search. The exchange acts as an intermediary between the owner of the resource and the customer-optimizer. The optimizer provides links to sites that need to be promoted in search engines, and the webmaster, for a fee, places these links on the pages of his web resource. In this case, the customer himself chooses the site for placement.

How the link exchange works

The exchange also acts as a tool for accelerated optimization, making it as easy as possible to obtain a large number of external links, which simply cannot be achieved with a manual exchange. Moreover, such an exchange is prohibited by search engines. Abuse of the link mass can lead to a "ban" - the exclusion of the site from the search engine results. However, mutual cooperation on exchanges is usually not punishable.

For webmasters, link exchanges are a very profitable way to make money. Having at your disposal at least one site with high traffic, you can make good money selling it as a platform for placing advertising links. At the same time, the price for the service also depends on how the search engines evaluate the resource. Sites have a TCI (citation index), which is generated by the automatic systems of "Yandex", and a PR (Page Rank), set by the Google search engine. The higher these indicators, the higher positions the site takes in search engines, and the more chances the optimizers have to promote their resource well through the placement of links.

Thus, by registering on the link exchange, the customer-optimizer can choose a site based on his budget, as well as the tasks set. You can post links on less popular resources, which is cheap, but not very effective for fast website promotion. Sites with high TCI and PR are more expensive and allow you to popularize the site in the shortest possible time. In addition, some exchanges provide for automatic placement of links on suitable resources.
