How To Place Links

How To Place Links
How To Place Links

Table of contents:


The basis for optimizing a website so that more users visit it is the creation of "internal" and "external" links. If you want to raise the rating of your resource and draw attention to it, pay special attention to the rules for placing links.

How to place links
How to place links


Step 1

Consider anchor text - the text content of the link, which should match the theme of the site page. If your resource is about cars, then the link leading to it should also talk about cars, and not about food processors.

Step 2

Do not lengthen the link - this will make it much more difficult to raise your site up in search queries. And don't use too many punctuation-separated words. Search engines may count them as individual sentences.

Step 3

Observe the correspondence of the topic of the link with the near-reference text. Thus, you will significantly affect the ranking of your site.

Step 4

Don't delay with the linking process. The earlier you place links on your site, the "older" they will be and the more often they will be viewed by search engines.

Step 5

Try to use text as your link, not an image. Text links move much faster in search engines, while images are used to attract visitors.

Step 6

Place links mostly at the top of the site page, since search engines most often index the top of the page, and ignore the bottom.

Step 7

Use more "internal" links, that is, leading to the internal pages of the site. Thus, you will increase the effectiveness of the link, and, accordingly, the ranking of the site. But don't put too many "internal" links on one page and don't overuse the number of "external" ones. If you place too many "internal" or "external" links, the search engine may consider you a "black" optimizer and will install a filter on your site.

Step 8

Place links leading to pages with the most important content for the site's subject matter above others. Thus, the effectiveness of these links will only increase.
