10 Things That Annoy The User How To Improve Website Usability

10 Things That Annoy The User How To Improve Website Usability
10 Things That Annoy The User How To Improve Website Usability

Table of contents:


The usability of the site is becoming more and more appreciated by the search engines. So by removing a number of annoying factors, you can easily increase the usability and value of your site in the eyes of search engines and, of course, users. The behavioral factor is very important. The more time a user spends on your site, the more pages they visit, the better for him and for you. But if something annoys him, he will leave the site, no matter how exclusive the information on it is. So, users are annoyed:

How to improve usability
How to improve usability


Step 1

Obsessive ads, first of all, clickanders and popunders. There is nothing more annoying than pop-up ads, especially if you cannot close them even by clicking on the cross, and when the transition to the advertiser's website still occurs.

Step 2

Flash animation that doesn't fit into the design. Contrary to the assurances of many site builders, the use of flash animation annoys users a lot, especially if the animation is catchy, sharp, defiant.

Step 3

Confusing menu. This is already a classic. Users will not be poking around in the navigation features of your site. Do it like everyone else, that is, the most understandable and logical. There is no need to reinvent the wheel and strive to mold something original - in this case, at least.

Step 4

Missing search string or incorrectly working search. In general, a search that finds nothing is not a search; it is equivalent to the fact that it does not exist at all. Many users, having become interested in the site, try to find out: "Is there this on the site …". For example, they search on a site dedicated to construction, "how to fill the foundation." Let's say this article is in your archive, posted six months ago. But the user will not find it through the search, decide that you do not have it and leave. It's a shame, isn't it?

Step 5

"Delicate" advertising. Take care of the reputation of your site, do not place any questionable advertisements on it. Many people browse sites in a company with children (for example, they are looking for cartoons to download) or at work (they are looking for useful information, and not always on work topics) - and suddenly a picture pops up "with a hint" or (worse) a busty aunt or a creepy shot on the topic of "harm from smoking" … It is unlikely that after that the user will return to your site. And it will close it as soon as possible so that children or colleagues do not see it!

Step 6

An abundance of pictures. Pictures, actually, the site needs. But we need thematic ones, and there should be few of them. Otherwise, the user will wait long and irritatedly for your page to load, and not the fact that he will wait.

Step 7

An abundance of advertising. Advertising should also be (the site should, at least, pay off), but you should not stick banners after each paragraph. Regular users develop immunity to such things, and they do not notice ads. Better less, disguised.

Step 8

Too small fonts. It is tiresome. Not everyone will increase the size of the page to read your scribble. Moreover, other design elements will shift and you will get porridge-malasha.

Step 9

White letters on a black background. This design "delicacy" is the most annoying. Not only are the eyes already strained when you work at the computer, but it is also an extra strain on your eyesight. The eye simply does not have time to readjust itself. You can draw attention to yourself in other ways.

Step 10

Lack of a sitemap. Yes, many users regard this as an inconvenience. So a sitemap is needed as a table of contents for a good book. Especially if there is no search.