As the internet became very popular, this led to the development of websites. The network contains a very wide variety of various projects, and they all compete with each other. All webmasters try to somehow distinguish their sites from others. This also leads to the creation of quality resources, in which all the moments are thought out. And, of course, such projects are popular. If you do not improve the usability, the person will rather simply not want to be on the site. He will find a similar one, which will look more beautiful, and the functionality of which will be much more convenient. Therefore, today it is very important to work out usability in order not to lose traffic.

The structure of the site is important in promotion, because the more cumbersome the site, the wider and more confusing the functionality, the harder it is for users. And all this is reflected in the positions, because people more often leave the resource, reducing behavioral factors. Therefore, the development of a site should start just with the development of a high-quality and understandable structure.
In many ways, this point is related to the previous one, because it is the structure that determines how the user will navigate the site. Therefore, here you need to work in a complex, at the same time working out both the structure and navigation of the site. At the same time, everything should be transparent so that the visitor knows how to navigate and navigate the pages of the site.
This item is very relevant for complex services, for example, for online stores. Many elements will be unfamiliar to the audience, it is also advisable to explain to people how to fill out forms correctly, how to perform certain actions, etc. Here, interactive or simple text prompts always come to the rescue, which greatly facilitate interaction with the site.
Text content
Interesting texts are always relevant, but now it is not enough to simply present information in the form of texts. Now it is also important to correctly design publications. The fact is that the information environment is so rich that people simply do not have time to assimilate everything that is offered and therefore they simply ignore most of the information. How do readers become familiar with publications today? First, they skim the page, and then decide whether to go to a more detailed acquaintance with the information or continue the search. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the texts so that the reader can, at a cursory glance, understand what the article will be about. To do this, you should use headings and subheadings, bulleted lists, highlights, and more. You should also format articles in the form of small paragraphs, easy to digest.
Graphic content
Today, the Internet has become very accessible, so that many users can afford not only to read texts online, but even watch streaming videos. And graphic information is becoming more and more preferred. It is necessary to use this for the promotion of sites, offering along with text information also graphic in the form of pictures and even video clips.
People trust sites that are open source. If it is difficult to contact the owners of the site, then such a project will not be able to earn high trust. Therefore, it is fundamentally important today to be open, providing an opportunity to contact the authors of the project. Also, such techniques work well when the authors of the project take an active role in public discussions in the comments or on the forums.