How To Create A Link To A Website

How To Create A Link To A Website
How To Create A Link To A Website

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In blog posts, you often have to link to sources of information and third-party resources. You can just copy the link into the text, but it looks very cumbersome and ugly, and I really want to design the message with taste. If your blog is HTML-encoded, link with tags.

How to create a link to a website
How to create a link to a website

It is necessary

computer with internet connection


Step 1

There are several options for opening a page from a link, the most popular is in the same tab as the original page. In this case, style the link text with this tag at the beginning:. The following tag is placed at the end of the link:.

Step 2

The page can also open in a new window. The tag before the text looks like this:. The ending tag after the link text:.

Step 3

When you hover over a link, a hint may appear, for example, with a description of the site. In this case, the tag before the link text will be like this:. Then enter the link text and the ending tag:.

In this design, the page opens in a new window.

Step 4

You can make a link a picture, when you hover over which a hint will appear. The tag is this: In this case, the page will open again in a new window.

Step 5

To avoid underlining the link text, enter this tag before it:, and this tag after it:.
