Desktop Banners: What They Are And How To Get Rid Of Them

Desktop Banners: What They Are And How To Get Rid Of Them
Desktop Banners: What They Are And How To Get Rid Of Them

In the past, viruses were created simply as a means of destroying a computer or network, with no benefit to the creator. But today everything has changed, and viruses are created to defraud money. One of the most popular viruses of this type is the banner. So what is a banner and how can you get rid of it?

Desktop banners: what they are and how to get rid of them
Desktop banners: what they are and how to get rid of them

Banners usually appear on the monitor and do not allow the user to control the computer until he enters the unlock code. It is clear that when the banner is active, you cannot use not only the desktop and the launch, but also launch the task manager.

Such banners on the desktop can be different in content, but the essence is the same - send an SMS to such and such a number or make a transfer to a specific account. After sending SMS or paying through the terminal, you will receive a code, if you're lucky, of course. In fact, even if the banner is removed, the virus will still remain, not the fact that it will be turned off the next time the computer is turned on.

How can such a banner be removed?

  1. Have an antivirus in advance. Antiviruses are always needed.
  2. Find Live CD and find banner with it. Live CD is an operating system that does not work from a hard drive, but usually a disk or flash drive. Using it, you can open "My Computer" and find the banner file. In most cases, it is found either in startup or in documents.
  3. If possible, you can find this banner and unlock code through a second computer. On specialized sites, there are a lot of codes for various banners.
  4. The virus appears due to a downloaded third-party site, therefore, in order not to be afraid of the banner, you should run files from the Internet in VirtualBox - a professional system emulator on the system.
  5. You can also contact specialists and friends who have experience in removing such viruses.