Runet is the Russian-speaking segment of the Global Network. The opinion that Runet is only sites registered in Russia is erroneous. Runet extends to all continents, including Antarctica, and includes the,.su,.ua,.by,.kz,.com, org,.рф and others on which sites in Russian are located. Thanks to Russian-language queries, Yandex is ranked 4th in the world among the most popular search engines. Analysts point out several main differences between Runet and the Internet.

Slow imitation
The date of the emergence of the Internet as a system is 1991. Runet as such appeared only in 1994. It was then that domain zone was registered. The tendency to lag in many respects continues to this day. For example, Internet advertising in 2004 brought the US $ 9.6 billion, while Russia - only 35 million. However, at the moment, the popular Internet resources of the Russian Internet are visited by about the same number of people as they are watching TV. Almost 39 million people need Yandex services every day, and about 44 million people watch Channel One.
The social network Facebook became super popular in America in 2005-2006, while in Russia only in 2009. In Russia, at the moment, many small companies place cheap advertising on social networks, while in Western countries large corporations are focused on this segment of the Internet. When the new Ford Explorer car was presented on Facebook, sales increased 52 percent. Advertising on television did not give even a third of this result. Experts who are engaged in tracking Internet trends in the West confidently predict the vectors of development of the Runet for the next few years.
Runet brings fame, and the Internet brings money
The Internet on the market in recent years has become an effective business tool. Almost every site offers any goods or services, from the sale of cosmetics to personal advice from the creator of the resource. In Russia, only 5 percent of users are ready to order goods via the Internet. Runet is actively developing as a trading platform, but it will reach the American level no earlier than in 4-5 years. Now blogs are popular in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, forums are fading into the background, but they are still popular. On the Runet, non-commercial databases like electronic encyclopedias and libraries have a large audience every day.
All over the world, the LiveJournal service is a platform for keeping personal, sometimes intimate records, in Runet LJ is basically a public platform from which a personal position is expressed, where banner ads and publications paid for by third parties are placed.
Target audience age
According to statistics, the Runet audience is an order of magnitude younger than the Western audience. 66 percent of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian schoolchildren prefer to download music on the Internet. In Europe, only 35 percent of adolescents do this. On various advisory sites, teenagers often act as high-tech experts, with high ratings and good reviews. About 92 percent of adults in Russia consult their children when choosing an Internet provider, 85 percent ask for advice before buying a computer or laptop, 70 percent when buying a cell phone or tablet.