Where History Is Saved

Where History Is Saved
Where History Is Saved

Modern browsers allow you to store a history of visited addresses. For this, files are used, the names of which depend on the program used. They can be read with a text editor and transferred to other computers if they have the same type of browser.

Where history is saved
Where history is saved

In the Opera browser, the history is stored in the global_history.dat file. Its location depends on which OS you are using. If it is Linux, then it is located in the /home/yourname/.opera/profile/ folder (hereinafter yourname is the name of your user folder), and if you prefer Windows, then in the C: Documents% 20and% 20SettingsyournameApplication DataOperaOperaprofile folder. The file typed_history.xml is stored in the same folder, which differs from global_history.dat, firstly, in the format (XML instead of plain text), and secondly, in that it stores only those addresses that you entered manually into the address bar, instead of being placed there automatically when clicking on links. In Firefox, there is no automatic separation of addresses into manually entered ones. They are all stored in a single file called history.dat. If the browser is running Linux, the folder where this file is stored is called /home/yourname/.mozilla/default/random_character_set.slt/, and if Firefox is running on Windows, then the name of this folder is C: Documents% 20and% 20SettingsyournameApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles random_character_set.default. For users who find this location inconvenient, the browser provides the ability to place it in any other folder. Chrome browser stores history in several files. All of them have no extensions, and their names begin with the word History (with a capital letter). For example: History-Journal. The location of their storage also depends on the OS used: on Linux - /home/yourname/.config/google-chrome/Default/, and on Windows - C: Documents% 20and% 20SettingsyournameLocal SettingsApplication DataGoogleChromeUser% 20DataDefault. IE browser only has a version for Windows. It creates a separate history file for each visited site. They are all stored in one shared folder. Its location is as follows: C: Documents% 20and% 20SettingsyournameLocal SettingsHistory.
