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How To Set Up A Forum

How To Set Up A Forum

How do I create and set up a forum? For the solution, we provide step-by-step instructions. You need to choose a suitable hosting, paid or free, on which you will host your site. Hosting requirements: mandatory php and mysql support

How To Put A Yandex Counter

How To Put A Yandex Counter

Yandex counter is part of the convenient and free tool for webmasters “Yandex.Metrica”, which allows you to collect statistics on the number of site visitors, analyze their behavior on its pages and track search queries by which users come to your site

How To Make A Profitable Website

How To Make A Profitable Website

The main ways to get income from the site are the sale of goods (services) on it and the sale of advertising. There are many options for implementing these methods, but it is very difficult to predict in advance which site will bring the most money

How To Remove The News Feed

How To Remove The News Feed

Most likely, there is no webmaster who would not dream of having his site popular, attractive and easy to use. There are many ways to achieve this goal. One of them is adding RSS news feeds to the resource. Instructions Step 1 RSS is a special XML format that allows you to create the desired description of news and announcements, moreover, this format allows the user to see the information he needs, save his time and Internet traffic

How To Add A Site To Friends

How To Add A Site To Friends

Adding a site as a friend is one of the ways to attract new visitors to your site. After all, when you “make friends” with another site, you agree to add a link or banner to a friendly site. Instructions Step 1 First, find the site on the network with which you want to "

How To Attract Users

How To Attract Users

The main task of any site is to constantly increase traffic. Not only the popularity of the site depends on the number of users visiting the site, but also the webmaster's earnings from advertising. There are a few simple conditions that will allow you to keep a steady stream of new users to your site while keeping old ones at the same time

How To Create A Site Named

How To Create A Site Named

The Internet plays an increasingly important role in the life of a modern person. That is why many users are thinking about creating their own website. Many newbies face problems due to lack of skills and necessary knowledge. Instructions Step 1 To create your website, register a domain name

How To Check Inbound Links On A Website

How To Check Inbound Links On A Website

External links on a site diminish its relevance in the eyes of the search engine, as they distribute the weight. Often, the webmaster does not even know that several foreign codes may be located on his site. Therefore, it is recommended to check for external links at least once every few months

How Effective Can PPC Advertising Be?

How Effective Can PPC Advertising Be?

To sell a product on your website, you need to engage in attracting customers to it. This will help contextual advertising. It is designed to help Internet entrepreneurs get targeted traffic of potential buyers to their website. Instructions Step 1 Be aware that contextual advertising is a small piece of information that advertises products or services on the Internet

How To Open A Guestbook

How To Open A Guestbook

The guestbook allows you to communicate with site visitors. Through such a script, each person can leave their wishes or suggestions regarding your resource. The guestbook is installed just like any other web application written in PHP. It is necessary PHP-enabled hosting Instructions Step 1 To install the guestbook, your hosting must support PHP, and some scripts may require MySQL support

How To Make Your Site Wider

How To Make Your Site Wider

Website development is a very interesting and profitable business. But many stop halfway when they encounter poor traffic and assume that they are wasting precious time and money on a web site that no one needs. And only a few people realize that “Moscow was not built right away” and continue to expand the site, by all means, which ultimately leads to success and high traffic

How To Put Music On The Site

How To Put Music On The Site

Sound design of the site is necessary not less, and sometimes more than text content. An audio lesson will attract more visitors than an ordinary article, because for the auditory perception of information you do not need to make any special efforts, the information itself enters the brain

How To Get Your Old YouTube Design Back

How To Get Your Old YouTube Design Back

Modern sites and applications often change their appearance, which is not always to the liking of users. For example, some are wondering how to bring back the old YouTube design and make popular video hosting as convenient as ever. Old YouTube design on computer In 2017, the world's largest video hosting service introduced such a function as "

How To Create A Release

How To Create A Release

The main task of a release posted on a website or in social networks is to interest readers. They will learn the details by attending a presentation or reading your proposed research study. Therefore, the author of the release should make sure that the potential reader not only pays attention to your creation, but also reads it to the end with unflagging interest

Why Wikipedia Raises Money For Existence

Why Wikipedia Raises Money For Existence

Wikipedia is owned by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization that was founded to manage collaborative development projects. Since the organization that has the rights of the owner is not a commercial one, all investments are spent on maintaining the site's functionality

How To Check The Value Of Your Website

How To Check The Value Of Your Website

Most website owners think about its cost when selling to an interested person. But how to correctly determine the price for which they will be ready to buy? Obvious factors affecting price formation First of all, the cost of the site is influenced by its income

How Virtuemart Works

How Virtuemart Works

VirtueMart is used only as an installable extension for the Joomla content management system. And for this system, VirtueMart is perhaps the most popular component of an online store. Instructions Step 1 First of all, VirtueMart must be installed through your Joomla admin panel

How To Install Joomla 1 5

How To Install Joomla 1 5

Joomla is a popular site management system (CMS). It allows you to create resources of varying complexity and can be used to quickly launch the site and fill it with content. Installation and configuration of Joomla is automated, however, to perform the installation, the system must first be uploaded to the hosting

How To Set A Counter On A Page

How To Set A Counter On A Page

Almost every webmaster tries to install an attendance counter on his site, which gives an accurate account of the visitors to his "brainchild". Today, the most common are statistics services from Google, Yandex and LiveInternet. It is necessary Account on the site "

How To Make Your Portal

How To Make Your Portal

Opening an Internet portal is a much more risky step than working on a regular website. This project is much larger in volume and will require many times more efforts from you, while not guaranteeing your own relevance and success. Instructions Step 1 Determine the target audience of the portal