How To Connect Cable Internet

How To Connect Cable Internet
How To Connect Cable Internet

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Today, cable Internet accounts for almost half of the high-speed wired Internet market. This popularity is explained by the high data transfer speed, reliability, ease of use and very moderate tariffs. Not surprisingly, more and more people are looking to connect cable internet to their home computers.

How to connect cable internet
How to connect cable internet


Step 1

Connecting to cable internet does not require any special equipment. All that is required is a broadband TV cable and a cable modem to your computer in your home. Broadband Internet access is provided with one line of bandwidth on a cable TV network. Therefore, at least one cable television programming channel is required.

Step 2

You can find out if your home has broadband TV access from a cable TV company. Today, in most large cities, almost all residential buildings are already covered by a cable network system, so finding the appropriate operator will not be difficult.

Step 3

After making sure that you have the technical connectivity, you can enter into a service contract with the cable company. The range of services usually includes the actual connection, that is, pulling an additional cable into the apartment and connecting it to your computer, as well as providing Internet access in accordance with the selected tariff plan.

Step 4

When choosing a tariff plan, pay attention to the amount of broadband TV that you purchase. Some cable companies offer Internet connection only in a general package with the installation of several cable TV channels. Another part of the operators prefer to provide Internet services separately from television. For you, the optimal choice will be the combination of price and quality, depending on your preferences. If you watch TV a lot, the general package, which includes both Internet access and additional cable channels, will probably be of more interest to you. If not, insist on providing only Internet access.

Step 5

After connecting your computer to the cable network, the provider must provide you with the necessary information to configure access: your IP address (constant or dynamic), gateway and netmask. These data must be entered in the network connection settings. If you are not very confident in your technical training, it is better to contact your provider with a request to fully configure the Internet and all related services. By the way, most cable companies themselves offer a similar service for setting up access. Calling the wizard has the advantage that the configuration will take much less time and will take place without annoying failures.
