How To Optimize PUBG

How To Optimize PUBG
How To Optimize PUBG

Optimization of computer games allows the user to "squeeze" everything out of the gameplay. The recently released PUBG game also has such an opportunity. It, like many others, is distinguished by a large number of individual settings that are important to know for optimization.

How to properly optimize PUBG for weak PCs
How to properly optimize PUBG for weak PCs

This issue must be approached carefully in order to get a good picture at the output without bugs and freezes, which are unacceptable for online shooters against other users.

Graphics settings

In order to customize the graphics, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Screen scaling - 90 units.
  2. Anti-aliasing - switch to "medium" level. This is the best option for the game to work smoothly, and the player can see the enemy at a distance.
  3. Post-processing is not the most important point, so you can set the level to "very low" here.
  4. Shadows are the lowest level. For the process of the game and its optimization, this moment is also not important.
  5. Textures, foliage and effects can also be kept to a minimum as they do not affect gameplay.
  6. Visibility range is average for snipers and low for those who prefer close combat.
  7. The item called "Displaying the player on the inventory screen" can also be removed - this will give +10 FPS during the game.

Using CPU-Control

In order for the game to be optimized even more, and the FPS to become even higher, you can use special software - CPU-Control. After clicking on TslGame.exe, you need to set the All CPUs parameter and set 4 CPUs. This gives 15 more FPS points.

How to determine FPS in PUBG

To determine the FPS parameters and display them during the battle, you should do the following:

  • Go to Steam;
  • Head to the game settings;
  • Check the box to show FPS.

This is a universal method that will suit all projects with support for Stram-overlay mode.

Features of launching PUBG

How do I optimize my game for low-powered PCs? To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Steam library;
  2. Go to the properties of the game project;
  3. Go to the parameters of the launch value;
  4. Insert the line "-USEALLAVAILABLECORES -malloc = system -d3d10 -high -nomansky -lowmemory –FULLSCREEN" into the window.

This algorithm is suitable for anyone with a weak PC.

Image scaling features

This method is not suitable for everyone, but it is able to raise the FPS value in PUBG by another 20 frames. For this you need:

  1. Open the game folder.
  2. Find TslGame there and go to properties.
  3. Enter compatibility mode.
  4. Check the box to disable image scaling.

These actions can help further improve game optimization.


There are a lot of reasons for lags and signings in the game, and they start from a lack of RAM and ending with problems with the game itself due to the fault of its developers. Although PUBG came out relatively long ago and quickly took first places in popularity and prevalence, it is still being updated, so unstable is a frequent occurrence in the game. But for optimizing PUBG on weak PCs, the tips and methods listed above are enough.
