How To Delete A Vkontakte Account

How To Delete A Vkontakte Account
How To Delete A Vkontakte Account

There are several ways to delete a page from the Vkontakte social network - standard, non-standard and inadequate. What is the specificity of each of them? After all, they all allow you to get the same result.

In contact with
In contact with

Social media has reached its peak in popularity, although there is still no end in sight. As the number of registered users grows, the number of those wishing to delete their account also grows. They all pursue the same goal - page deletion, but the motives are different. Maybe a person is just tired of being bombarded with letters by ill-wishers, or he wants to start all over again, with a clean slate. That's when he has a desire to delete his own account. Most of all, this option is inherent in a very famous social network - Vkontakte.

There are three ways to delete a page from Vkontakte.

Way one - standard

Going to your own page, you should go to the settings section and, having opened the "General" tab, scroll through it to the end. There you can find a hyperlink with the following content: "delete your page". after clicking it, a notification will appear asking you to indicate the reason for deleting your page. It is obligatory to answer! Only then can you click on the "Delete page" button at the bottom of the page.

It is important to remember that all previous activities, like likes, comments, ratings, etc., are stored in the database.

Other ways of deleting a page from Vkontakte are longer, but also more effective.

The second way is non-standard

The non-standard of this path is that the deletion of a page occurs in stages and, in fact, by the user himself.

First, a new mail is started, to which an existing account is linked. The phone number is removed from the portfolio. Then, in turn, you should go to one or another section and delete their contents, i.e. audio, video, photo information, messages, toys, etc.

The last ones to delete are friends, then your first and last name. Finally, going to the settings section, in the "Privacy" tab, tick the "Only me" box.

An account deleted in this way is automatically deleted if you do not log into it for a couple of months. And until the moment when it is deleted, it will be inaccessible to other users.

The third way is inadequate

The inadequacy of this path is so strongly manifested how quickly the result comes. The third path is highly discouraged, but it can be used as an alternative to the other two paths. It consists in spreading spam, swearing, insulting users and the administration, writing various obscene expressions, etc. In less than a week of such inappropriate behavior, the account will be deleted by the administration.
