In all the news and social networks, one can only hear what is about modern cryptocurrencies, how their rate is growing and what are the advantages of using a newfangled method of calculation. Today, Bitcoin is not only the most popular, but also the most expensive cryptocurrency. Lucky investors who managed to invest their money in bitcoins at a price of $ 1000 now have a 10-fold increase in business capital. But transferring BTC to Qiwi or Webmoney can cause some difficulties, but in fact, there is nothing difficult about it. Let us then figure out how to exchange bitcoins for rubles and make it as profitable as possible?

- • access to the Internet;
- • wallet or card of the payment system to which you will withdraw money;
- • a little attention
Step 1
There are many ways and places of currency exchange on the Internet. We need to choose the most favorable location for our inquiries. To do this, we recommend using the BestChange service, which is an Internet service that helps you find the most profitable exchange offices for electronic currencies. Once on the site, on the left you can see a table in which we select what we give and what we get. We will be exchanging bitcoins for qiwi.

Step 2
Now you have to choose the best exchange office. It is better not to burst immediately on the first lines, where the most advantageous offers should be, but to choose a reliable exchanger with decent reviews, the number of which can be seen in the right column of the exchange rates table. Let's dwell on WW-Pay, as the most adequate rate / feedback ratio. Now let's smoothly move on directly to the question of how to exchange bitcoins for rubles. Go to WW-Pay by clicking LMB on it in the table. Once on their website, we choose the Bitcoin exchange - Qiwi.

Step 3
We already get to the page for entering personal data. Here we enter the amount of bitcoins, your E-mail and Qiwi wallet.

Step 4
We are redirected to payment. There is a wallet next to the QR code, to which we transfer the required amount of BTC.

Step 5
Now you know how to exchange bitcoins for rubles! Congratulations.