Is It Possible To Make Money On The Internet From 1000-1500 Rubles Per Day?

Is It Possible To Make Money On The Internet From 1000-1500 Rubles Per Day?
Is It Possible To Make Money On The Internet From 1000-1500 Rubles Per Day?

Many people are thinking about making money at home. All that is needed for this is a computer and Internet access, as the ubiquitous advertising posted on the Internet says. And although for the most part the described miracle methods are nothing more than an advertising gimmick, it is worth noting that real ways to work on the Internet and get 1000-1500 rubles a day for it do exist.

How to make 1000-1500 rubles a day on the Internet?
How to make 1000-1500 rubles a day on the Internet?

How to earn from 1000-1500 rubles per day?

To make that kind of money, you don't have to go to a regular job and listen to the constant discontent of your superiors. However, do not expect that working online will be easier or require less time from you. In total, you will have to work about 8-9 hours a day, or even more. The method described in this article is based on a combination of three activities:

Paid surveys. This type of earnings will allow you to earn up to 40 rubles in 10 minutes. However, you need to understand that surveys are a very fickle form of earnings, and work will not always be there. In general, you can take surveys for 10-30 minutes of work per day and earn, thereby, about 40-120 rubles.

Social media assignments. It is very easy to make money on social networks, and at the same time you can easily “fill” 50-100 rubles a day on this type of earnings.

Writing articles. Perhaps the most difficult type of earnings of all presented, however, it is he who stands out for the greatest constancy and, with proper skills, payability.

How to get the job you need

So, the first step in order to earn decent money online is to register in all the most popular services that offer users earnings on paid surveys and completing tasks in social networks. You will also need to register on copywriting exchanges, namely two more popular ones - Advego and Etxt. It is important to understand that in most of these projects there is a rating system, on which your final earnings will depend.

Daily work plan

After you complete the registration in all the necessary resources, you can get to work. In order to receive all incoming polls in a timely manner and be able to immediately start performing them, you need to keep your mail constantly open. All new offers will be sent to the post office. Most likely, in a day you will be able to complete about 1-3 surveys, which will bring 40-120 rubles.

Next, you should visit all the resources that offer income in social networks and complete all the tasks available there as quickly as possible. They will usually be fairly simple. For example, you will need to enter the group, like it, leave a comment, and so on. Thus, you can earn about 50-100 rubles in half an hour.

And finally, the last type of daily income is writing articles. Decent earnings from articles will come over time, when a high rating is gained. With average writing skills, you can earn from 15,000 thousand rubles a month or more on copywriting, however, you will have to work quite a lot and intensively.
