The game of poker brings successful players millions of dollars a year, but only a few can reach this level. There is also a more realistic goal - to earn several thousand dollars a month from playing online poker. True, its implementation can take several years of hard work.

You can make money playing online poker. But the main problem when playing in online poker rooms is that everyone wants to make money, but in reality the overwhelming majority of players lose their money - they add up to the winnings of the winners. You need to understand: to start making real money, you need serious knowledge and experience.
How to start playing online poker
To get started, learn the rules of the game well in theory. Please note that the most popular form of poker is No Limit Texas Hold'em, and you should focus on it. After that, find a poker room offering newbies a welcome no deposit bonus in the form of real money - usually in the order of $ 10-20. The main plus is that you do not have to invest your money in the first stage of training, while you can get a taste of the live game.
As a rule, in order to receive a bonus, you have to pass a small exam, answering questions on the theory of the game. After that, the above amount will appear on your account, and you can start playing for real money. But it is not recommended to do this right away - practice on demo accounts. All the leading poker rooms provide beginners with the opportunity to fight among themselves for virtual money. This allows you to study the software well and master the basic techniques of the game in practice.
When you decide that you have already mastered the theory and practice and can move on to a real game, select the table that suits you from the list. Pay attention to the currency of the game - it can be euros, dollars or pounds, and the number of players - there can be from 2 to 10. First, choose tables for 10 people.
You will have the opportunity to just watch the game from the side as much as you want. If all the seats are occupied, you can apply to enter - you will enter the game as soon as someone leaves it. To get started, choose the tables with the minimum stakes, as they are usually played by beginners, and you will be in the company of players equal to you. But there may be experienced people among them, so be careful.
How to win at poker
The question is largely rhetorical. To win, you need to gain gaming experience. In addition, you need a very good observation - you need to track the manner of play of the opposing players. This allows you to notice that such and such a player, for example, raises the rates only when he has a good card. The other bluffs every now and then. The third is constantly attacking, etc. By understanding the logic of your opponents' actions, you increase your chances of winning.
In turn, it is necessary to mislead rivals yourself. For example, if you play carefully, a surprise attack, even with a relatively weak card, can allow you to take the pot - your opponents will think you have a strong hand and fold.
To make it easier for a beginner to understand how to act correctly in a given situation, special tables have been created that show the optimal actions in the event of the arrival of certain cards. Such tables are useful - at the same time, playing solely on them will be unprofitable. Why? Because you will be predictable. The winner is the one who understands rivals well and competently hides his true intentions.
In practice, you can learn how to earn about $ 50 a day by playing poker after about six months of hard practice. Of course, a lot also depends on the personal qualities of a person, his analytical abilities.
One of the most important advantages of playing online poker is that you can play it at any time of the day without leaving your home. This gives the player complete freedom, and the income for a talented game can be very high - which determines such a high popularity of this game.