How To Add An Audio File

How To Add An Audio File
How To Add An Audio File

Table of contents:


Recently, more and more often you can see the presence of not only videos, but also audio recordings on business sites. Today a site visitor is interested in well-structured content, namely the presence of multimedia innovations on the pages of your project.

How to add an audio file
How to add an audio file


Integration of audio recordings through the Uppod service


Step 1

First of all, you should go through the registration procedure in the Uppod service, for this, go to the following link A new user registration form will appear in front of you. Here you need to enter your login, passwords (the password itself and its confirmation) and indicate the email address.

Step 2

When entering your login, pay attention to the fact that it may already be taken, so do not be lazy to press the check button “Free?”. E-mail is desirable to indicate exactly the one to which you receive notifications of changes on the site. Before clicking the "Finish" button, do not forget to check the box next to the item "I accept the user agreement".

Step 3

Then create three directories in the root directory of your site (audio, player and styles). Go back to the site and sign in to your account. Then go to the "My Player" tab and click the "Download Player" link in the upper left corner of the page. After unpacking the archive, copy the uppod.swf file to the newly created player folder.

Step 4

Go to the item "My Player" and select "Audio", "Styles", then click on the button with the image "+". Add your own style by giving it a unique name.

Step 5

Click the Save button and return to the Styles item. Select the newly created style and click the Download link. The styles file must be copied to the styles folder, which is located at the root of the site.

Step 6

The audio file being played must be copied to the audio folder. Go back to the site and in the "Files" tab add your file by clicking on the "+" sign. The path to the file will look like this:

Step 7

Now go to the item "My Player", select "Audio", then "Files" and in front of the selected file, click the link "Code". Copy the code "HTML with full IE support" and paste on the site.
