With the advent of the Internet, it has become even easier to prove yourself. If earlier it was much more difficult for musicians to promote their work and make money on it, now this can be done using several services.

Earning methods
Many popular music services allow musicians to earn money from their audio recordings, and there are several ways to get money. As a rule, listeners purchase musical compositions by paying for the purchase with a credit card through Google Pay, Apple Pay, and so on. There are a lot of them: Apple Music, Google Play Music, Deezer and so on. Specifically, they need to pay for an album or one track.

There are apps selling monthly subscriptions to access the entire audio library. Such a service gives part of the funds to musicians whom users listened to. These include BOOM, YouTube Music, Yandex. Music and so on.

Moreover, some of them (BOOM, for example) offer users not to pay for a subscription. However, then there will be time restrictions on listening, and audio advertising will appear, the money from which will go to the service and the composer. Thus, a person who creates music can earn about 15 thousand rubles if audio ads are played about a million times in front of his tracks.

Loading a track through an aggregator
Aggregator is a program that automatically downloads a track or album to all sites specified by the user, thereby regulating the overall situation for earnings and moderation. It is convenient because it saves a lot of time and it is simply easier to make releases through it, keeping track of the terms of moderation and publication.
The most popular aggregator is FreshTunes or Multiza. The difference between them is only in the interface. If we consider the first application, then in order to publish an audio recording on the Internet through FreshTunes, you just need to choose a state and a platform.

After saving the changes, the track goes to moderation in the service for publication on a new site. After the track status changes to "Ok", you need to wait from 3 days to a week - moderation on many music applications is different.

Something like this the track will look like on the "BOOM" site.

The Multiza service works on the same principle. However, he focuses on the BOOM service from the social network "Vkontakte", and here the choice of sites will not be as wide as on the above program. Yet here you can also earn money from the publication of your audio recording.

It is logical that a certain percentage of earnings will be transferred to the service. You can upload your audio recordings to the sites yourself, registering at each of them, however, it will take much longer, and there will be difficulties in tracking your statistics, earnings and popularity.