After creating your own website, it becomes necessary to popularize it and attract a large number of visitors. For this, special methods of advertising the resource and its SEO-promotion are used.

Step 1
Get started with free ways to promote your website. Perform search engine optimization on your site so that visitors find it for key queries in search engines. The most important thing for Russian sites is promotion in the Yandex search engine. First, you need to determine what search terms visitors should get to your site, so choose keywords that match the content of the site. Visit the page, the most popular search queries in various Internet areas are displayed here.
Step 2
Add keywords to text content on your site. You can create unique content or perform high-quality rewriting of ready-made texts from the Internet. Keywords must be placed in the headings and subheadings of pages, as well as organically included in the text itself with a density corresponding to its size. The publications themselves should be succinct, concise and interesting, in this case you will go straight to the top positions of search engines, having achieved the desired result.
Step 3
Submit your site in the directories of search engines that combine resources on a specific topic, bringing it to the first positions when requested. A giant service is, which sorts sites in directories and gives them a certain rating. You just have to indicate a link to your resource in the appropriate field and select the appropriate catalog from the list. Together with SEO optimization, this is one of the most effective methods of website promotion.
Step 4
Take advantage of social media to ensure a high flow of visitors. For example, you can promote your site through the VKontakte social network. There are communities of visitors with different themes. Every day they are visited by many users of the social network, where they actively communicate and exchange information. You can attract users to the group with the help of your friends and other messages. Post a link to your site in a prominent place so that group visitors can go straight to it.
Step 5
Use the service "contextual advertising" offered by search engines. This method of promotion is already paid, but at the same time it is quite effective. Users enter a specific query into a search engine and immediately see your ad offer. For example, in the Google service, you can subscribe to this service in the AdWords section.