How To Cancel A Password

How To Cancel A Password
How To Cancel A Password

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If you are a user of the Windows XP operating system, you probably faced the problem of forgotten password for your account. The situation, to put it mildly, is not the most pleasant, but there is a way out of it. It turns out that the password of any account is stored in a file hidden for the user. The only problem is that this file is available only to the operating system. As a rule, it becomes almost impossible to find out the password from this file. Therefore, there is an alternative way to cancel the password entry when logging in if you are logged in with an administrator account.

How to cancel a password
How to cancel a password


Operating system Windows XP


Step 1

If you have access to the administrator account, then you have the ability to change or completely remove the passwords of the accounts. For the Windows XP Professional operating system, follow these steps:

- log into the system as "Administrator";

- click the "Start" menu - select "Control Panel" - "User Accounts";

- select the required user - change or delete the password.

Step 2

For the Windows XP Home Edition operating system, follow these steps:

- when booting the computer, press F8;

- select the line "Load in crash protection mode";

- in the selected mode, click the "Start" menu - select "Control Panel" - "User Accounts";

- select the required user - change or delete the password.

Step 3

In some cases, the best solution to the problem is to create a special disk that will allow you to reset your password. The only caveat when using this disc is that you need to burn such a disc before you forget your password. To create a disc, click "Start" - "Control Panel" - "User Accounts".

Step 4

Select your account name - select "Prevent Forgotten Passwords". The wizard for creating this disk will start, follow its recommendations.

Step 5

In order to reset your password during login, you need to insert this disk. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
