How To Add A Link To Your Blog

How To Add A Link To Your Blog
How To Add A Link To Your Blog

Table of contents:


Links are used to create clear and convenient navigation between blog pages. They can be both internal and external. In the first case, links provide a transition between the materials of one resource, in the second - to third-party sites.

How to add a link to your blog
How to add a link to your blog


Step 1

To post links to the blog, log into the admin panel. If the diary was created using free technologies, for example, go to your account through the website of the developer company. In this case, enter your username and password on page

Step 2

On the toolbar, select a command to create a new post or edit a previously published post. You will see an empty window for making changes, above which the commands are displayed.

Step 3

If you want to include a link in the text or picture, select the word or section of the phrase from which the transition will be made, then click on the "Add link" button. In the form that opens, write down the page address.

Step 4

However, the taskbar displays a very narrow range of tasks, and if you want to style the link in a special way, you will have to make changes to the page code. To switch to edit mode, select the command "Render in html".

Step 5

Insert the link using tags and add the elements of interest. The tooltip is set by the title="Text" attribute, so that the page opens in a new window, write. Alt = "Alternative text" - the value specified in quotation marks becomes visible to the user if the picture is not displayed. Link, alink, vlink - color scheme of unvisited, active and used links, set in the field. For the underline to appear after hovering the cursor, you need to set: a: hover {text-decoration: underline; color: # 800000} a {text-decoration: none;} Use the following link to create a dotted underline: {text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dashed # 000080; } {color: # f00000; } Attributes: - text-decoration: none - remove the underline; - color: # f00000 - set the color; - border-bottom: 1px dashed # 000080 - add a new line.

Step 6

Save the result and check if the links work.
