How To Increase The Speed Of The Internet On Beeline Modems

How To Increase The Speed Of The Internet On Beeline Modems
How To Increase The Speed Of The Internet On Beeline Modems

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One of the types of access to the Internet is access using a gprs connection. It is possible to establish this connection both by connecting a mobile phone and using a special gprs modem. In both cases, the page loading speed is often poor. But there is a possibility to fix it - you just need to use one of the simple ways. This applies to any operator and can be successfully used both on Beeline modems and on MTS, Megafon modems, as well as many others.

How to increase the speed of the Internet on Beeline modems
How to increase the speed of the Internet on Beeline modems


Step 1

Use anonymizers. Anonymizer is a special service that allows you to view blocked addresses on the Internet using a proxy server. Among the advantages of using this method is that there is a possibility of such a setting, in which "heavy" elements - java and flash, as well as pictures, will be blocked even before being transferred to your computer. This is possible even if your browser does not support disabling these elements.

Step 2

In order to increase the speed, use the services of specialized proxy servers that reduce the volume of incoming traffic. The mechanism of operation is the same as in the previous case, however, these services, among other things, compress the volume of traffic in principle, regardless of the content. Paid and free services are separated, their difference is that in free services the speed of processing a request is an order of magnitude lower.

Step 3

If you do not want to suffer with redirects, use the specialized browser Opera mini. In this case, you need to download and install a specialized java emulator that will allow you to run java applications. Install the Opera mini browser, and then disable the loading of pictures and other elements not related to the text part of the page in the settings.
