How To Put A Password On The Internet

How To Put A Password On The Internet
How To Put A Password On The Internet

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When several computers are connected to the Internet via a router (router), there is a chance that your signal can be intercepted by other computers (not from your network). To prevent this, it is enough to set a password for the Internet connection.

How to put a password on the Internet
How to put a password on the Internet

It is necessary

  • - computer or laptop;
  • - router;
  • - connecting cables.


Step 1

If you have not yet connected your computer to the network, do so now. To do this, connect the Internet cable to the router (WAN socket). Then connect all computers on the network to the device using twisted pair cables or wireless Wi-Fi. Most laptops are currently equipped with wireless devices.

Step 2

If you do not want to wrap your apartment with wires like a Christmas tree in a garland, it is recommended to purchase the required number of Wi-Fi adapters. The price of these devices does not exceed 700-800 rubles, simpler models can be bought for less money. When buying, you should pay attention to the marking of the type of the supported signal. There are 2 types: 802.11g and 802.11n. The first type supports transfer rates up to 54 Mb / s, while the second can provide speeds several times faster, which is a big plus.

Step 3

In the settings of the router, you can enable the password option. First of all, you need to go to the settings menu of your device, for this open a new browser tab and enter in the address bar. As a username and password, you must specify the word admin (all lowercase letters).

Step 4

On the loaded page, click on the "Wireless mode" link in the left part of the window, and then on the "Wireless security" item. Here you need to select the WPA-PSK and / or WPA2-PSK options. In the "Password" field, you must specify a secret combination of letters and symbols, which will be known only to those who have access to this network. Now click the "Save" button.

Step 5

It is worth noting that a password that is too simple or contains only numbers (for example, date of birth) can be easily brute-force. And this can be done by residents of your own entrance, so it is recommended to set up protection based on the mac-address. In this case, guarantees of inaccessibility to network resources become practically inaccessible.
