Reply To A Tweet

Reply To A Tweet
Reply To A Tweet

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The instant messaging service "Twitter" allows its members to exchange short updates, share interesting links and share photos. However, to users accustomed to chatting with friends on Vkontakte or on Facebook, the interface of this new social network may seem rather incomprehensible.

Reply to a tweet
Reply to a tweet


Step 1

The basic function of the Twitter service is to send instant messages to all your followers or certain people from among your friends. However, don't even try to find a dedicated button that is responsible for sending tweets or replying to messages sent to you. In order to communicate on Twitter, you need to know special codes.

Step 2

So, first of all, you need to determine the nickname of the person to whom the message is intended. Please note that the nickname and the name on Twitter are completely different things. The user's nickname is located directly under the name on the personal page. In addition, the nickname can be viewed at the page address. For example, if a user's page address is, then "Johnson" is the user's nickname.

Step 3

Enter your desired text into the message line on your page. Please note that one tweet cannot exceed 140 characters. The main motto of this social network is “Brevity is the sister of talent”.

Step 4

Next, you need to decide if you want to send another user a private message that only he can read, or if you prefer that your tweet be visible to everyone. To send a closed message, you must enter the English letter "d" before the tweet, without a space, and press "send". In this case, the addressee will receive a notification that he has been sent a private message that is not available to the public.

Step 5

If you want to share your thoughts with the whole world, then before the message you need to insert a "dog" - the "@" sign. In this case, the addressee will receive a notification that his name was mentioned in your tweet. If desired, the user can reply to your message or retweet further. Such functionality makes communication on the Twitter social network incredibly interesting! Try it yourself!
