How To Make A Torch In Minecraft

How To Make A Torch In Minecraft
How To Make A Torch In Minecraft

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The main way to protect yourself from aggressive monsters in Minecraft is to surround yourself and your home with light. Because monsters appear exclusively in the dark. The cheapest and easiest lamp in the game is a regular torch.

How to make a torch in Minecraft
How to make a torch in Minecraft


Step 1

Any torch consists of a stick and coal. There are only one kind of sticks, no matter what wood blocks you used to create them. Coal is formally of two types, but they differ only in name.

Step 2

Coal is mined from coal ore, which is the most common ore in the game. However, at first, it is quite dangerous to climb underground without torches and normal equipment, so there is a way to get coal in a furnace.

Step 3

For this method, you will need an oven. In the furnace, almost anything can be used as fuel (bottom slot). In order to save money, it is worth taking for fuel not ordinary wood, but boards.

Step 4

One block of wood makes four planks. In this case, one block of boards burns as much as a block of wood. To get planks, place wood in one slot in the character window or on the workbench. And remove the boards from the crafting result window.

Crafting boards
Crafting boards

Step 5

To get coal, open the furnace. Put as many boards as possible in the bottom slot. In the upper one - wood. Two blocks of planks burn for 30 seconds and manage to produce two units of coal from wood during this time.

Oven window
Oven window

Step 6

Torch sticks are obtained from planks. On the workbench or in the character window, place two blocks of sticks one above the other. Planks from any tree are suitable for creating sticks. Two planks make four sticks.

Crafting sticks
Crafting sticks

Step 7

To make a torch, place coal above the stick in the workbench or character window. One stick and one coal make four torches. At first, you need to have at least a stack (64 pieces) of torches, at least if you are going to go underground.
