How To Make A Server For Samp

How To Make A Server For Samp
How To Make A Server For Samp

Table of contents:


Creating your own SAMP server, i.e. San Andreas Multi Player obeys the general rules for creating game servers, and the existing differences are caused by specific settings selected by the user.

How to make a server for Samp
How to make a server for Samp


Step 1

Download the server distribution kit from the Internet and save it to an arbitrary folder in a convenient directory. Extract the downloaded files to a folder of your choice and name it SAMP Server. Expand the folder and define a file named server.cfg. Call the main menu of the system by pressing the "Start" button and select the item "All programs". Expand Accessories and start Notepad. Open the found server.cfg file in the running application and make the necessary changes to the lines: - lanmode 0 - for a network game or lanmode 1 - for a local game; - maxplayers - to determine the maximum number of game participants; -rcon_password - to determine the administrator password for entering control panel; - hostname - to define the value of the name of the server being created.

Step 2

Go to the folder named gamemodes containing the terrain mod files with the extension.amx and define a string with the value lvdm. Return to the configuration folder of the server.cfg you are creating and enter the found lvdm value in the gamemode0 line. Open the filterscripts folder by double-clicking and define the required scripts. Once again, go back to the server config folder and enter the selected values in the filterscripts actions field.

Step 3

Find the executable file of the created server samp-server.exe and run it with a double click of the mouse. Determine the IP address of the created game server: log in to San Andreas Multi Player and expand the Favorites node. Use the Add Server command and enter your IP address and port number 7777 (default) in the corresponding field.

Step 4

Use the following basic administration commands, entered in the Chat text box, to change the desired parameters: - / rcon exec - to run the config; - / rcon exit - to exit; - / rcon cmdlist - to display all possible commands; - / rcon changemode - to select another card; - / rcon password - to change the password value.
