How To Make An Internet Server

How To Make An Internet Server
How To Make An Internet Server

You may need your own server on the Internet in order to store the necessary data and support the round-the-clock exchange of various types of files. If a user wants to make an Internet server for personal use, he will need at least a high speed line and a static IP address provided by the ISP.

How to make an Internet server
How to make an Internet server

It's good if, before making an Internet server, you can connect to a dedicated line via ADSL. In addition, to create a server, you will need two DNS servers, one of which will be the master and the other will be the slave. They are required in order to maintain your domain name. The computer that will act as a server must be connected to the Internet for at least twenty-three hours a day. Only in this case the host will be considered "live", "active". Depending on what individual needs the user will have, and what tasks he will solve with the help of the created server, a number of software is installed on the computer - for example, Linux, Apache 2, IP Tables, PHP and so on (depending on which you will need this during operation and to keep the server running). Making an Internet server is still half the battle; after that, you will need to configure it and adjust the device's operation. In most cases, setting up a server takes time and some experience. If you have never faced such a task, you can involve experienced specialists in the process of launching your first server. However, if you have the time and patience in stock, you can search the network for special literature, which describes in detail the process of creating and configuring Internet servers of various types.
