How To Create A Persistent Server In Minecraft

How To Create A Persistent Server In Minecraft
How To Create A Persistent Server In Minecraft

Creating your own Minecraft server allows you not only to enjoy your favorite game, but also to organize it according to your own rules. However, such a playground often has a dynamic IP, and this is only suitable for an episodic game in the company of friends. Those who want to create a more serious server should think about moving it to a permanent basis. How can this be done?

Your own server will allow you to organize the gameplay according to your own rules
Your own server will allow you to organize the gameplay according to your own rules

Creating your own server

Of course, before trying to assign a permanent address to your server, you must first create such a virtual playground. For an installer for it, you should refer to the official site of the game. There, in the Multiplayer Servers section, you need to choose from two files the one that matches the operating system on the computer of the future server creator. It is better to stay with the installer with the.jar extension - it is more versatile.

For your playground, you need to create a special folder on your desktop, and copy the above file to it. Then you should start it so that a new "minecraft" world is generated. By the way, the window that opens will be the server console.

After waiting for the completion of the generation of the game world (which will be announced by the inscription Done), you should close this window for now. This must be done correctly - with the stop command (otherwise, serious interruptions in the operation of the server, up to the card crash, are guaranteed). After closing the console, you will be able to see many different files appear in the server folder.

Of these, the most interesting are text documents opened through notepad. Among them are ops (admin nicknames), banned-ips, banned-players (respectively, lists of banned IP addresses and users). However, the most important at this stage is the file (server properties). In it, you need to set the settings for your playground (using two values - true or false). The line with the IP should be left blank for now - this address has yet to be obtained.

Assigning a Permanent Address to the Server

Special sites will help in the implementation of this intention. The portal is especially popular among the creators of Minecraft servers. You need to register on it, but first make sure that the e-mail address does not end (for some reason this site does not accept such e-mails). Otherwise, you will have to make yourself a mailbox on another resource.

Going to no-ip, you need to click the registration button (Sign Up Now) and in the window that opens, enter the invented username, password (plus its confirmation) and email address. you should go to your mailbox, open there a letter from the above site, click on the link offered in it, thereby completing the registration process.

Now a person will have to log into his account on no-ip and select Add a Host from the services offered there. It remains to decide on the name of the future site (on which the game server will be located), including the ending of its address (,.org, etc.). All this should be entered in the line that appears on the screen.

After the above steps, you must click Update Host. Then you need to download the software that will "hold" the IP of the server. To do this, click on the IP icon (in the upper left corner of the screen). The site will redirect to its main page, and there you need to find the Download tab, and in it select the Download Now button.

The downloaded program should be launched, enter the e-mail and password specified during registration for no-ip in the required lines, then click on Edit, then Edit Host and there simply put a checkmark in front of the name of your newly created host. Then, after clicking Save, the generation of the IP will begin, and it will need to be entered in the appropriate line. Those who want to play on the server need to transfer only the address of their host - it is through it that they will need to go there.
