How To Offer News In A VKontakte Group

How To Offer News In A VKontakte Group
How To Offer News In A VKontakte Group

The social network VKontakte is constantly updated and improved, acquiring a variety of useful functions. For a long time, it has appeared such a function as "suggest news" in the community.

How to offer news in a VKontakte group
How to offer news in a VKontakte group

The "suggest news" option is quite convenient both for moderators and group administrators who do not always have time to fill communities with the necessary content, and for subscribers who want to share their thoughts, pictures or statements they like.

News proposal technique

The algorithm itself is quite simple: when you enter a community where you want to add any information, you see the "wall" of the group. Directly above the block of posts is a light blue bar where the total number of posts is indicated (for example, 2500 posts), and to the right in the same bar there is a link "suggest news".

It should be noted that not all communities have this link. Depending on the privacy policy that the page administrators adhere to, they may close this feature from subscribers. In contrast, some communities allow you to use this feature even if you are not a subscriber.

After clicking on the link offering news, a small window will open where you can leave a record, if desired, attaching a picture, video or other content supported by the VKontakte service. Having compiled a record, click on the button at the bottom right, which is also called: "suggest news". After that, the message goes to the administrator / moderator, who decides whether it is worthy of posting on the community wall. If the news is approved, you will receive an automatic notification about it in the "replies" section.

Additional nuances

In popular communities loaded with information, the proposed news can be considered by administrators for a long time. If the information posted is of an advertising nature, the page management has the right to demand a certain amount from you, since the "wall" is not only a place for news posts, but also a high-quality advertising platform.

The function of offering news is only available in public pages, for regular groups this option is currently unavailable. The news, approved by the administrator, can be posted both with your signature under it (a link to your page) or without it, depending on the rules of the community and the good faith of the administration. Offering news in interesting communities is a great way to share your ideas and worldview with others, meet new people, and gain some publicity.
