Where To Download Books In Doc Format

Where To Download Books In Doc Format
Where To Download Books In Doc Format

You can download books in doc format on various types of sites - electronic libraries, torrents or file-sharing services. This file type provides the user with great opportunities for working with information. Downloading books from digital library servers is the most convenient download option.

Where to download books in doc format
Where to download books in doc format

Books in doc format have several advantages over other formats. This format allows you to read books with any of the well-known text editors available. Another advantage of downloading books in doc format is the ability to copy and then edit individual parts of the text, which makes it possible for students and learners to insert citations from literary sources into term papers and tests. The disadvantages of books in doc format are not always high quality of text recognition and possible mismatch of page numbers with the numbering of the original.

Unlike pdf, djvu and fb2 formats, in the vast majority of cases, the software required for reading books in doc format will be installed on an available electronic device. For reading books in this format, both licensed programs (Microsoft Office Word) and freeware (Open Office Writer) are suitable. You can download books in doc format on various Internet resources.

Electronic Libraries

Electronic library sites offer their visitors to download books in various formats, while the user chooses the most convenient for himself. Most of these files are books recognized from scanned copies. Books on these sites are sorted by thematic sections. To download books in doc format, you can use such electronic libraries as Clubreaders.ru, Any-Book.org, Mobiknigi.ru, Get-Books.ru and other similar Internet resources.


The rules for uploading and downloading books on torrent sites (for example, Rutracker.org) do not differ from similar rules for other types of files. The user enters the type of file format when searching, after which he can select a book, focusing on its description, which can include the cover of the publication and screenshots of its individual pages.

File sharing services

Also, books in doc format can be downloaded from file-sharing services (Depositfiles.com, Letitbit.com). A link placed on a third-party resource can lead to the download page on the file hosting service. In the absence of a paid account for these services, the user is invited to view sponsored ads for the ability to download. In addition, you can find and download free books in doc format by using the document search on the Vkontakte social network.
