Creating a hosting server is a source of basic or additional income for many people. Please note that hosting can be organized using not only your own equipment, but also rented equipment.

It is necessary
- - server equipment;
- - software;
- - cost estimate.
Step 1
Make an estimate of the cost of creating a hosting; also, if you are going to create a large-scale project, you need to include advertising costs in it. Purchase special equipment to organize your server. You will need to provide it with an uninterrupted supply of electricity to maintain it in working order.
Step 2
Also, consider the moment with the Internet, since you need constant access to it. You also need to negotiate with your ISP to provide you with a static IP address, as using a dynamic IP will not be able to permanently provide hosting for other people to use when the address changes.
Step 3
Also purchase software for organizing hosting on your server hardware, familiarize yourself with the main points of setting it up and organize a service for providing technical support to your customers. Place your server hardware in a dedicated data center.
Step 4
When purchasing server equipment, be guided first of all by the purpose of the hosting. Please note that high-quality hardware and software is far from the most important component for choosing your server. Here you will need to develop a tariff plan for your customers, as well as think over additional services.
Step 5
Register your hosting after you complete the hardware and software setup and installation. Also, consider ways to convey information to customers regarding your hosting services, it is quite possible that you need advertising on the Internet. To register a hosting, in some cases you may need to provide documents, here everything may depend on the company that you use as a data center.