Everyone who is going to start opening their own hosting must understand that they will not be able to become profitable immediately after its foundation. Stock up on finances, patience and knowledge of the English language. All this is required to study the documentation for control panels.

It is necessary
- - suitable panel for hosting;
- - a computer with Internet access;
- - staff.
Step 1
Examine the characteristics of the panel you have chosen to create a hosting. After that, proceed to the simplest stage - creating the server and installing the panel. However, the task itself is not so easy in essence. On the contrary, this stage is the most crucial. Due to the competent choice of the server and its site, you will be able to understand what restrictions you will have to face when creating a hosting and how best to do it.
Step 2
Decide how much time you will spend on hosting. Day after day, customers will contact you and require 24-hour support throughout the week, by phone, ICQ and mail. Are you ready to stay awake replacing helpdesk and managers? Remember that the organization of support is a very important key aspect for starting the entire hosting, as it is not just a regular place on the server, but also a serious information service. Therefore, first of all, answer, will you be able to provide your customers with all the necessary support and how are you going to do it?
Step 3
Consider how familiar you are with software and hardware. It is very important to have a good understanding of the software used to organize hosting as the basis of client sites. For example, in MS Windows, the IIS web server requires not only installation, but also its correct configuration, which you can learn about by studying books on working with IIS and with Windows. You should also know everything about vulnerabilities, system capabilities and always make sure that the latest updates are installed on it.
Step 4
Make sure you have the seed money to develop your hosting properly. For many different things, serious financial investments will be required already at the initial stage of hosting.
Step 5
Decide whether to start hiring employees or hosting alone. Being alone is a good financial option, but it is time consuming. But due to the presence of employees, you can quickly cope with both organizational and technical problems.