How To Make A Network In The Office

How To Make A Network In The Office
How To Make A Network In The Office

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It has long been difficult to imagine an office of any company or firm that does not have at least one computer. And most often there are several such computers. Naturally, for faster and more convenient collaboration, all computers in the office must be connected to a single local network. Fortunately, doing this yourself is not that difficult.

How to make a network in the office
How to make a network in the office


  • -switch
  • -router
  • - network cables.


Step 1

In order for your network to work quickly and without failures, you will need a switch or router. When choosing it, you need to take into account only one characteristic of these devices: the number of ports for connecting network cables. It is better to purchase a switch with a large number of ports so that you do not have to change it in the future when it becomes necessary to connect additional devices.

Step 2

Install the switch or router so that it is as close as possible to the bulk of computers. Those. if 5 PCs are in one room, and two are in another, then it is more logical to place the switch in the first office. This will allow you not only to save on network cables, but also to avoid unnecessary work on laying them.

Step 3

Connect each computer to an available port on your router or switch. Remember that we are talking about LAN ports, because the WAN or Internet connector is designed to connect the provider's cable to it.

Step 4

Open the local network settings on each computer. Specify the IP addresses of computers so that they differ only in the last digit. This will help prevent network problems.
